SCITUATE (CBS) – Patriots wide receiver Danny Amendola may be Texas grown, but his heart is in the Northeast. Just ask his aunt, Kate Shmaruk.
“His whole family is up here and you know, all of his cousins on both sides. So, it’s thrilling for both sides of the family,” Shmaruk said.
Amendola spent many a childhood summer in Scituate. His mother, Rose, grew up there and his 84 and 91-year-old grandparents still live there.
When Amendola joined the Patriots in 2013, Shmaruk says, it was a dream come true for his family.
“I took a snapshot of Welker’s locker and I said, that should say Amendola,” Shmaruk said.
Since then, the family has followed Danny to Foxboro, the Super Bowl, and back. Aunt Kate has traveled to two different Super Bowls and is packing her bag for Minneapolis.
Aunts, uncles, and cousins also attended the AFC Championship game against the Jacksonville Jaguars during which Amendola scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter.
“Almost broke the windows in the club, screaming. Awesome game!” Shmaruk said.
Aunt Kate say celebrating Danny and the Patriots never gets old for her family.
“All you heard was Dola, Dola, Dola and it just blows your mind,” she said.